Tuesday, July 20, 2010


actually i have been done this pattern before and this time is for someone. friend. ouh, this cupcakes suppose to be surprised. haha. and really. the receiver does shocked at first and just grab it with cliche question, "who gave this?" and sincerely i also did not know. i just deliver it and get pay.

this person does enjoy this package, according to the customer-lah. =)

as written there "HAPPY ALWAYS"

Monday, July 5, 2010

love hana

i loveeeeeeeeee colors. really, does not aspect that this piece is going to be one of my fav. do u?

armand naik buai

-lady bug

*not originally idea from me but i inspired by the picture that someone gave me. =)

*p/s: adore the cows so muchie.. =PP